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Water transport is one of the most eco-friendly modes of transport, and marine terminals are a key component of the international marine logistics system. Although our core business — handling containerised and non-containerised cargo — does not have a significant negative impact on the climate and the environment, we work hard to reduce our carbon footprint at all stages of the operational process. For Global Ports, environmental sustainability is a key element of our corporate strategy that balances our business growth objectives with our sustainability commitments.

Our core principle is strict compliance with environmental legislation. We ensure the Company is fully transparent and accountable in terms of environmental issues. The environmental management system requires all the Holding’s divisions to regularly assess and monitor their environmental impact, comply with the requirements of environmental legislation, and continuously improve business processes. All Global Ports terminals have their own plans to reduce environmental impact, which are integrated into corporate investment programmes.

In 2022, Global Ports drafted and introduced a Supplier Code of Conduct to inform current and potential counterparties about the core principles of Global Ports and the companies it manages. The Company views sustainable development as an important condition for doing business. When selecting suppliers, the Company gives preference to those that are committed to sustainability, taking into account the results of an assessment of the relevant indicators throughout the supply chain.

In 2023, we began gradually introducing the Code, although it is not yet a widespread practice. Global Ports maintains equal business relationships with suppliers and encourages them to work in compliance with the principles outlined in the Code.

The Company focuses on the following areas when creating its responsible supply chain:

Environmental impact Waste reduction Human rights Increasing the transparency of the supplier base Procurement Operational and product innovations Logistics and distribution Facility management Global Ports Supplier Code of Conduct (RUS) Climate change

Marine transport is highly energy efficient and is used to deliver 90% of cargo around the world. Global Ports’ terminals, with their key positions in the Russian logistics system, help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the logistics chain, thereby making a small but tangible contribution to solving the problem of climate change. Due to the strategic location of our container terminals on key logistics routes, they serve as hubs that link eco-friendly modes of transport — sea and railway, which contributes to the creation of sustainable value chains.

At the same time, port infrastructure is exposed to growing risks due to such climatic threats as rising sea levels and extreme weather conditions. This forces us to take measures to adapt to climate change, including modernising assets and redesigning business processes. Our approach to combat climate change includes measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, enhance the resilience of infrastructure, and introduce new technologies.

In 2023, greenhouse gas emissions increased compared with 2022 and amounted to 45,800 tonnes of CO2 equivalent. Even though the Company strictly adheres to all regulations for the control of greenhouse gas emissions, we recognise the need to strengthen decarbonisation measures.

We previously stopped using natural gas to generate electricity at one of our terminals, and we also phased out coal handling in the Far East in 2021.

We continue collaborating with other players in the logistics chain — freight forwarders, suppliers, and rail and road transport companies — to find solutions that promote a culture of responsible logistics.

To improve energy efficiency, Global Ports is actively pursuing various initiatives:

Equipment upgrades Introducing energy-saving technologies Replacing outdated lighting systems with LED lighting Reducing power losses in electricity reception and distribution systems Optimising equipment operation modes to improve the quality of electricity supply Environmental protection and conservation

One of Global Ports’ strategic objectives is to reduce the impact of our port operations on local ecosystems. Our approach is based on effective environmental management that aims to protect, restore, and preserve natural environment around our facilities.

Global Ports has an Environmental Policy that sets out our approach and principles in this area. The main objectives of the Policy include assessing, managing, and minimising the negative impact of our operations on nature.

Environmental policy (RUS)

To fulfil these objectives, the Holding undertakes the following commitments:

Minimise the risks of an adverse environmental impact in the course of operations by the companies we manage as well as the implementation of investment projects Ensure that the environmental impact is monitored and the necessary corrective and preventive measures are taken Ensure compliance with the requirements of legislation concerning environmental protection as well as established norms and rules when handling hazardous substances Monitor compliance with environmental standards by contractors performing work on the territories of the companies we manage Prevent the pollution of water and air basins as well as the territory of the companies we manage Continuously improve the environmental management system Expand the level of expertise of personnel in charge of environmental protection Implement programmes to conserve energy and resources and improve the energy efficiency of the companies we manage Take measures to preserve biodiversity and natural complexes in the areas where the companies we manage operate Strive to reduce waste generation and implement best waste disposal practices Modernise existing operational equipment and introduce new equipment, taking into account the use of the best available environmental protection technologies Conduct regular internal audits to ensure compliance with the stated goals of this Policy Fund environmental protection measures Inform and maintain an open dialogue with all stakeholders concerning environmental protection

In 2023, the Company implemented a number of measures to assess and reduce the environmental impact of its operations.

For ambient air protection:

Ambient air laboratory studies Control of the maximum permissible emissions Control of emissions during unfavourable meteorological conditions

For wastewater collection and treatment:

Wastewater monitoring Morphometric information on water bodies

For waste management issues:

Industrial waste and solid municipal waste removal Recycling of motor tyres Disposal of lamps

For the protection and rehabilitation of land, surface water, and groundwater:

Examination of natural water and bottom sediments

For environmental protection from noise:

Laboratory noise research

Expenses on environmental protection in 2022 amounted to RUB 29,994 million.

The Company’s environmental protection expenses in 2023 totalled RUB 67.8 million. An inspection by the Russian Federal Service for the Oversight of Consumer Protection and Welfare (Rospotrebnadzor) in 2023 found 39 violations, for which the Company was fined RUB 165,000. Each violation was subsequently addressed and their negative effects were minimised. Measures were taken to prevent similar violations in the future. The Company paid the fines in full.

Sustainability plays a key role in our plans to increase port infrastructure capacity as we prepare to further develop assets in the future. We actively engage with local and regional authorities to carefully assess and minimise any potential impacts on the natural environment associated with land drainage and land use.

The Company is also attempting to reduce its environmental footprint by minimising harmful air emissions. This is achieved by replacing outdated handling equipment with more modern, environmentally compliant equipment.

Water usage

Global Ports manages water resources with the aim of increasing their efficient utilisation. The Company does not take water from surface water bodies. The main sources are municipal and other water supply systems. The water we use is treated and then returned to surface water bodies. Our terminals are actively improving wastewater treatment processes to ensure the high quality of treated water.

To reduce the Holding’s water consumption, we monitor it and install more efficient water saving equipment. All water consumption points are equipped with water counters to accurately monitor leakages and total consumption. Water consumption is monitored on a monthly basis by taking readings from meters installed at all discharge points and water intake points. Reports on water usage are regularly sent to the Federal Agency for Water Resources.

At one of our terminals, we also use recycled water to wash cars, thereby further reducing water consumption.

Waste management

Waste management is an important aspect of our business. Global Ports aims to reduce the amount of waste it sends to landfills. Our priority is to recycle, utilise, and neutralise waste. This approach is embedded in a number of the Company’s environmental programmes.

Global Ports actively promotes separate waste collection. This process includes classifying waste by hazard level and accumulating it in specially designated places in accordance with current regulations. Almost 100% of waste is classified as low-hazardous and practically non-hazardous (Hazard Classes 4 and 5). Hazard Class 3 waste is sent for disposal, while Hazard Class 4 and 5 waste can be sold to third parties.

Biodiversity conservation

Global Ports takes measures to minimise the impact of its operations on bioresources. The Company focuses on the protection of species diversity in the water protection zones where it operates.

Conservation area of the Ekaterinhofka River in St. Petersburg The Gulf of Finland marine area Wrangel Bay located on the eastern shore of Nakhodka Bay between Kamensky and Petrovsky capes in the Far East

In 2021-2022, the Company conducted research work to study changes in the condition of aquatic bioresources in Wrangel Bay in Nakhodka Bay near its Far Eastern terminal. The analysis did not reveal any degradation of aquatic biological resources. The fish feeding grounds were assessed as typical for coastal ecosystems, and the species composition corresponds to the composition of coastal areas of Peter the Great Bay. As such, it was found that the economic activities of the terminal in the Nakhodka Bay did not lead to any deterioration in the habitat of aquatic biological resources. In 2023, as part of our approach to manage an anthropogenic environmental impact in the Far East, Global Ports carried out an industrial environmental monitoring and controlled over the impact of economic activities on aquatic biological resources and their habitats.